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We help you understand your market and competitive environment,
leading to business growth and success for your company

Competitive Intelligence & Marketing Analysis for UK and European markets

What we do

Training & Education

  • Competitive intelligence Secondary & Online research (OSINT)
  • Competitive intelligence primary research (HUMINT)
  • Competitive intelligence analysis
  • Forecasting & scenario analysis
  • Marketing research techniques
  • Using Social Media for Competitive Intelligence Research
  • Using AI (artificial intelligence) for Competitive Intelligence
  • Setting up a competitive intelligence department
  • Trade show intelligence
  • War games

Research Experience

  • Analysis of the entry options available to a company looking to enter a new market
  • Benchmarking analysis comparing client and competitor products
  • Counter-intelligence to identify security leaks
  • Due diligence study looking at potential joint-venture partners
  • In-depth profiles on major competitors
  • Ongoing monitoring of competitor activity
  • Research looking at bidding patterns of competitors in a public sector tender
  • Study of research activities of pharmaceutical companies and their drug pipelines
  • Trade Show intelligence
  • Win-loss analysis to understand customer purchase choices

Industries / Clients worked with include:

Agriculture; Chemical; Defence; Education; Financial Services; FMCG; Healthcare; Information Services; Manufacturing; Oil & Gas; Pharmaceutical; Telecoms; Utilities. Clients include major FTSE and other quoted organisations, as well as smaller private companies.

Training workshops have taken place globally – UK, Europe, Middle East, China & SE Asia, USA, etc. with bespoke in-house training customers coming from a range of industries, including above.