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Competitive & Marketing Intelligence Training Options

AWARE competitive intelligence courses look at all aspects of CI. Courses are customised with content tailored so as to be relevant to the client organization. Some courses are aimed at beginners to CI, while others give a deeper understanding of the topics and expect familiarity with basic competitive intelligence concepts and processes.

AWARE marketing intelligence training supports both new and experienced marketers who need to learn about or refresh their marketing knowhow. As with competitive intelligence (CI) training, courses are customised, with content tailored to be relevant to the client organisation.

Course formats range from lecture style to mainly practical. All include exercises and opportunities for in-depth discussion on the relevant concepts.

Some courses are highly interactive e.g. Primary research for Competitive Intelligence, Scenario planning and forecasting courses. Our Secondary / Online Research for CI (OSINT), and Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) courses are suitable for anybody responsible for investigative Internet research as a marketer, general researcher, journalist or even security roles - and not just competitive intelligence professionals. Other courses such as Competitive Intelligence Theory & Practice, Marketing Planning and our Financial Analysis course are aimed at new practitioners and SMEs (small / medium sized businesses). Marketing Research looks at all aspects including research planning, qualitative & quantitative methods, questionnaire design (including tools like SurveyMonkey) and is tailored to organisational needs. Building a Competitive Intelligence Function looks at the process needed and can serve as an introduction to the same service offered in our Research and Analysis service descriptions.

Public training courses are mostly offered through professional education organisations and our CEO, Arthur Weiss, has led CI/MI workshops worldwide. (Arthur is a faculty member of the Institute for Competitive Intelligence – leading a number of ICI courses e.g. the Open Source Intelligence workshop).

We are also pleased to have launched the AWARE Competitive Intelligence Escape Room Challenge - the first dedicated virtual escape room aimed at supporting and enhancing marketing and competitive intelligence skills for training, testing and team-building. You can try out a free sample showing how this works at our Escape Room sampler.

Our Courses


AWARE competitive intelligence courses look at all aspects of CI. Courses are customised, with content tailored to be relevant to the client organisation. Course formats range from lecture style to mostly practical, with attendees focusing on their business's competitive position. All include exercises and opportunities for in-depth discussion on the relevant concepts. Some courses are aimed at beginners to CI, while others give a deeper understanding of the topics and expect familiarity with basic CI concepts and processes.


  • Building a Competitive Intelligence Function
  • Competitive Intelligence Theory & Practice
  • Competitive Intelligence Techniques
  • Primary Research for CI (HUMINT)
  • Secondary / Online Research for CI (OSINT)
  • Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT)
  • Trade Show / Conference Intelligence
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Competitive Intelligence Communication & Reporting
  • War Game Organisation & Facilitation
  • Using AI (artificial intelligence) for Competitive Intelligence

AWARE marketing intelligence training supports new and experienced marketers who need to learn about or refresh their marketing knowhow. As with competitive intelligence (CI) training, courses are customised and practical, with content tailored to be relevant to the client organisation and its needs.


  • Internet Research & Analysis (OSINT) for general researchers, marketers, journalists, etc.
  • Scenario Planning & Forecasting - learn to anticipate industry futures
  • Marketing Research. This workshop can also be focused on particular aspects e.g. quantitative research or qualitative research, etc.
  • Marketing Planning for SMEs
  • Financial Analysis for Marketers / CI Analysts
  • Due Diligence research
  • Using AI (artificial intelligence) for Marketing / Business Research
The exact content for all courses and workshops will be discussed with you to make it appropriate for your markets and industry. Elements from each course can be taken to create a completely custom course matching your needs. Custom workshops also include war games options to help evaluate likely competitor strategies and to assess company blindspots.

Why use us for training

Courses are tailored for your needs
AWARE in-house training courses are customised as much as possible to take account of the attendees’ industries and situations. For a client manufacturing FMCG products, the emphasis would be on finding intelligence relevant to consumer product based industries. A company offering B2B services would generally view such aspects as less relevant and want a greater focus on issues applicable to service industries selling to other businesses.
Real life and industry relevant examples
Our in-house training workshops focus on your actual business situation and aim to include examples from your industry and competitive environment. As well as case studies, workshops can include real exercises, where we will work with you and your staff on a particular problem, helping you uncover the information you need for your business decisions.
Courses can be one-on-one (tutorial style) or for a whole department. We can also plan courses to cover different organisational needs – perhaps leading a course for secondary researchers for one day, and strategists for the following day.
Course costs are based on a daily rate ranging from around £650 (US$950 / €800) per attendee for 3 attendees to under £250 (US$400 / €300) per attendee for 12 or more attendees.
All AWARE training courses include a free follow-up question and advice service. Often it is only when new skills are actually put into live use that attendees realise that they have forgotten a key aspect or need help with a particular technique. Our aim is that attendees use the skills they learn during our courses in their day-to-day work.

What others say

Instructor very helpful & clarified all points. Easy to understand and follow.

Letitia K, Deputy Manager, Financial & Investment company

Opened up new (yet obvious) areas to research on customers and competitors. Now feel able to set up a rounded CI system! Watch this space.

Niall B, Marketing Team leader, Software Company

This was one of the best presentations I’ve been to in the past several years

Comment on evaluation form for workshop given at the 2006 SCIP Annual Conference in Orlando

Awesome information and workshop.

Comment on evaluation form for workshop given as part of the 2006 SCIP Annual Conference in Orlando

I truly thank you for the great two day programme. I was really fortunate to be part of this programme. It was very informative, very well presented, plus enjoyable. I have learned so much from your training that will assist me in my workplace.

Prerna C, Head of Product Management, Pharmaceutical Company

Good mixture of case studies, practical examples and group discussion….course material was very comprehensive, providing a good reference guide following the course.

Julia M, Food Manufacturing Company

I found the material extremely relevant and valuable. I also found your teaching very motivating and focused. I have discussed the course content with my team members and they were all very impressed. I hope to implement some changes in our strategy based on what I learnt on the course as soon as possible.

Laura E, Marketing Business Analyst, Corporate law firm

I do feel that this course will benefit me personally in my role as a market intelligence analyst.

Claire D, Market Intelligence Analyst, Major Bank

The seminar was very useful, interesting (I didn’t find myself bored, which I am easily), and it left me with the feeling of wanting more and the desire to go after the chase.

Emily G, R&D, Engineering Company

Your workshop was very successful. It was not only interesting but was well presented and participants who wrote to me said they were very impressed also by the methodology and the systematic way of your training session.

Organiser of a workshop for exporters from the Middle East on the importance of understanding culture for marketing intelligence