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Words matter. They provide a window into what people are really thinking and planning. Sometimes omitting a word can give a clue into what people really want and so when analysing information it's important to consider not just what is said, but what is omitted. There's a brilliant poster I saw on Twitter that gives an example of this - highlighting the missing word. I think it says it all about the real agenda of those protesting against Israel. ... See MoreSee Less

5 months ago  ·  

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Register / more information at www.institute-for-competitive-intelligence.com/programs/open-workshops/ici-4-workshop-advanced-we... ... See MoreSee Less

6 months ago  ·  

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The World Economic Forum cites AI as the singular key to the rise of what they call the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” In their view, there can be no human progress without the influence of AI algorithms, making human input almost obsolete.This is often promoted by globalist propagandists. For example, take a look at the summarized vision of WEF member Yuval Harari, the author of the best seller, Sapiens, who says that AI has creative ability that will replace human imagination and innovation. Not only that, but Harari has consistently argued in the past that AI will run the world much better than human beings ever could. www.youtube.com/watch?v=94o-9zR2bew www.globalresearch.ca/governance-by-artificial-intelligence-the-ultimate-unaccountable-tyranny/58... ... See MoreSee Less

1 years ago  ·  

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"Not a day passes without someone asking me about the future of open source intelligence (#OSINT)... .OSINT truly is our INT of first resort....I can think of no more exciting time to be an expert — whether in government or private industry — working on open source intelligence. It’s a world of nearly limitless opportunity." says Jennifer Ewbank, CIA deputy director for digital innovation. buff.ly/3PvVZlq - also mentioned in multiple news articles, e.g. the WSJ - buff.ly/3WeaOLn. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago  ·  

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Why you think you're right -- even if you're wrong! In this great TED talk, Julia Galef talks about why so many people are convinced they are right, even when they are wrong. The reason is that they lack what she calls the "scout mindset". Although she never mentions competitive / marketing intelligence she's talking about the sort of mindset great intelligence people have. They are curious, willing to be challenged, and defined by wanting to understand the world or the business or the industry rather than to continue along existing safe paths, defending them no-matter-what. She uses the example of the 19th century Dreyfus case in France that led to an innocent officer getting court-martialled and sentenced for espionage while the actual spy continued. Although prejudice was a key reason for the miscarriage of justice, it was also challenged by somebody willing to question - and that's key for anybody involved in CI/MI. ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago  ·  

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Do you seek power, or influence? Many leaders (national and business) focus on their power and believe that's what is important to get followed - but they fail to create new leaders. A few, focus on influencing others - and so create followers, some of who will also become leaders. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explained the difference: “Power works by division, influence by multiplication. Power, in other words, is a zero-sum game: the more you share, the less you have. Influence is a non-zero-sum game: the more you share, the more you have.”(With thanks @Andrew.Shaw for this). ... See MoreSee Less

2 years ago  ·  

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